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The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils. Our curriculum is rich, ambitious and relevant to the children in our community. It supports risk-taking, invites sharing of ideas and develops life-long learning. We ensure that learning is at an appropriate level for every child.

Children in nursery and reception  follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.  Please have a look at the E.Y.F.S individual curriculum subject page.

Children in Year 1 to Year 6 follow the National Curriculum. All the children follow the programmes of study laid down in the National Curriculum.  


The core subjects are:

  • English

  • Mathematics 

  • Science

The other subjects are called the foundation subjects and include:

  • Art

  • Computing

  • Design Technology

  • Languages (for KS2 children only. At Crabtree  Farm we teach Spanish)

  • Geography

  • History

  • Music

  • P.E.

The children are also taught:

  • R.E (Religious Education)

  • PSHE (Personal, Social,Health and Economic) Education

  • RSHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education)

The school teaches phonics using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised.

We try to encourage parents/carers to be partners with us in their child’s education.  The most important way is through day to day contact.  We encourage a two way feedback between home and school; and appreciate parents/carers who support their child with any home learning. 

We have our Crabtree Stars every Friday, where we celebrate children's achievements. Each half term we have a Superstars Assembly to acknowledge pupils  who have worked incredibly hard over the half term.

Have a look at the Curriculum Overview for your child's year group to see what they are learning.  If you wish to know more about a particular curriculum subject, have a look at our individual curriculum subject pages; where you will find the policy, curriculum progression and much more for that subject.   All our subject leaders are happy to speak to parents and carers about their subject or answer any questions you may have. Please call into the school office and ask to arrange a meeting with the subject leader.

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© Copyright Crabtree Farm Primary 2024
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