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English at Crabtree Farm

English Intent Vision

At Crabtree Farm Primary School our intent is to provide an English curriculum for our children that allows them to develop into confident, creative writers, readers and communicators. 

  • By the of EYFS, our children will be able to read and write simple sentences building on their knowledge of the alphabetic code. 

  • By the end of Key Stage 1, our children will become fluent readers and writers.   

  • By the end of Key Stage 2, our children will be able to read and write with meaning in readiness for the next stage of their education.

Red Ted

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10 Reads

25 Reads

45 Reads

65 Reads

85 Reads

105 Reads

125 Reads

145 Reads

Reading is one of the most important skills your child will learn. It will help learning in all subjects.

There are lots of things your child can read

  • Books

  • Magazines and comics

  • Tablets/ e-readers

  • Instructions

  • Recipes

  • Newspapers

  • Joke books

  • Poems

​​Your child must bring their book bag to school every day.

Please help them to fill in their reading record every day. This can be a comment about their reading or just the title of what they have read, a smiley face or your signature.

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2)

Your child will have their very own special Crabtree Farm Primary teddy bear:-

  • They can name their teddy

  • They must look after their teddy at home - replacements will have to be paid for - £3

  • They will earn coloured badges for their teddy to wear

  • The more they read at home, and have their reading diary signed, the more badges they will earn


Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)


Your child will have their own school lanyard:-

  • ​They can wear their lanyards at school​

  • They will earn different coloured badges for their lanyard

  • The more they read at home, and have their reading diary signed, the more badges they will earn

English in Action

 Here is an example of some wonderful writing from each year group in main school.

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© Copyright Crabtree Farm Primary 2024
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