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Environment Education and Food For Life at Crabtree Farm

Environment Education and Food for Life Intent Vision

Our children will have the opportunity to explore and learn outside. They will have a respect for the natural environment by contributing to the development of our school grounds. Our children will understand where their food comes from and how it is grown. They will have the skills and knowledge to take responsibility for their own actions and have a sense of duty and care for the world in which they live.

Our Polytunnel

We are now the proud owners of an amazing polytunnel! Every child in school will have the opportunity to work in it at various times in the week. We are lucky enough to have an expert gardener called Tracey Lloyd work with us each Friday to support our gardening and growing. The vegetables and fruits that we grow and harvest will then be given to Miss Levitt in the kitchen so that we can enjoy them at dinner times!

We have had a really successful growing year this year. Over the summer holidays we were busy harvesting many different fruits and vegetables that were handed out in the local community, to food banks and to the staff within school.

We also had AMAZING success growing our own pumpkins and green butternut squash this year. We have three enormous pumpkins and four butternut squash, which were raffled as prizes before October half term! 

Watch this space as we will continue to update it with photos of our gardening successes!

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© Copyright Crabtree Farm Primary 2024
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