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Environment Education and Food For Life at Crabtree Farm

Environment Education and Food for Life Intent Vision

Our children will have the opportunity to explore and learn outside. They will have a respect for the natural environment by contributing to the development of our school grounds. Our children will understand where their food comes from and how it is grown. They will have the skills and knowledge to take responsibility for their own actions and have a sense of duty and care for the world in which they live.

Our Polytunnel

Working in the outdoor environment has many benefits to your child's learning. Here are the top 5:

1) Improved physical health

2) Helps to develop an appreciation and understanding of the world around us

3) Improved mental health

4) Development of key skills, such as problem solving

5) Development of interpersonal skills, such as communication


We have been working hard in the outdoor environment and have had another fantastic harvest in the polytunnel so far this year. We have grown tomatoes, cucumbers, marrows, grapes and courgettes to name just a few! These have been used in the children's school meals where possible and shared with the local community through Bulwell Forest Gardens.

Watch out for our pumpkin raffle this year, we currently have six large pumpkins growing and many smaller pumpkins too! 

We are looking for willing hands to support the running of the polytunnel this year. If this is something you feel you would like to help with, please come and speak to Mrs Barker! 

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© Copyright Crabtree Farm Primary 2025
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