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History Intent Vision

In our school, our history curriculum will inspire children to learn about people, places and events in the past and how they impact on their world today. Through critically exploring a range of sources, they will have a coherent understanding of the history of the world and that of the British Isles. 

History at Crabtree Farm

History in action

Here at Crabtree Farm Primary School, our teachers plan engaging activities to bring our topics to life!! Whether that’s through song, dance and drama or by looking closely at intriguing artefacts.

Below are some photos of one of our classes partaking in a Great Fire of London drama-based workshop! The children loved dressing up as significant people from the past and retelling the dramatic story through dance and music.  The teachers especially enjoyed watching the children's rat impressions as they scuttled through the dirty vermin-infested  streets of London in 1666!

Keep posted on this page to keep up to date with more history lessons at Crabtree!

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