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Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium? 

In 2022-23, Crabtree Farm was provided with £19,140 Sports Premium funding. The funding is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. The impact report below demonstrates the impact that the funding has had on our pupils and school community, along with Year 6 swimming data.

This year, 2023-2024 we will receive (TBC).

Our aims:

Here at Crabtree Farm, we have the opportunity to spend the sport funding on improving our provision of PE and sport.  Our aim is to provide an exciting and varied PE curriculum designed to give our children the knowledge, behaviours and skills to lead an active, healthy lifestyle now and in years to come. 

How will we use the funding for this academic year:

At Crabtree Farm, we will use the funding to support our PE aims:

  • Increase the quality of PE teaching by employing highly trained sports coaches (Mr Kiggins and Miss Moncaster) who develop the children’s skills, behaviours and knowledge as well as offering quality CPD to our staff

  • Increase the engagement and love of PE and sport by delivering fun and engaging lessons that ensure that our children make progress in lessons.

  • Increase participation in PE and sport through the offer of a variety of extracurricular sports clubs across school.

  • Increase competitive sports opportunities both within school and in the local area.

The governors and staff agree that the money should be used so that ALL children benefit regardless of their sporting ability. It is important to us here at Crabtree Farm that this funding opportunity is used effectively so that we have a lasting legacy that can continue into the future.


The school offers swimming lessons for all children in KS2. Children are given 2 swimming lessons per week over half a term. The Sports Premium funding allows us to offer ‘Top-Up’ lessons to those identified as needing additional support in swimming. 

Sports Premium Impact Report

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