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Whole School Vision


Crabtree Farm Primary School believes that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially.  
It is our desire as an educator to help all children meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that is safe and a curriculum which is rich, ambitious and relevant, supports risk-taking, invites sharing of ideas and develops life-long learning.

Values and Ethos

Every Child Will:

  • Be listened to and valued as a unique individual

  • Be safe and protected in their school and wider environment

  • Receive high quality, stimulating learning experiences 

  • Have access to a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum

  • Be given the opportunity to attain their full potential, regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation

  • Be part of a school community that respects others, school rules, property and the environment

Every member of staff will:

  • Be committed to the motto ‘every child, every chance, every day; working together’

  • Ensure that the safety and physical, mental and emotional well-being of the children is at the heart of what we do

  • Be a positive role model to the children

  • Commit to the highest expectations of professional conduct and responsibility

  • Create an environment filled with positive, exciting and fun learning opportunities

  • Be provided with the support and opportunities to progress within the profession and develop their careers

Every Parent/Carer will:


  • Be encouraged to work in partnership with the school to develop their child’s learning 

  • Be provided with regular and timely information on how their child is progressing in school

  • Be encouraged to contribute to the life of the school

  • Be confident that the school is caring and approachable and that they will be listened to

Members of the local community will:


  • Be proud of Crabtree Farm Primary School, keeping it the centre of their community

  • Be encouraged to support the children in making the local environment a better place to live

  • Be encouraged to contribute to the life of the school

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© Copyright Crabtree Farm Primary 2024
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